Monday, June 29, 2009

Conformity and Individuality| Rj Santos

Conformity is a way of blending in with a particular group of people. It is a process in which your style, personality, etc.. are being influenced by other people. Conformity is to follow the status quo. People conform because they want to belong, or have a sense of securty from that particular group. It is somehow their key into being accepted. They also conform to get away from bullying, discrimination, and the like. People conform so that they wouldn't have to worry about what other people think about them because they know that they are secure. Conformity is sometimes caused by peer pressure which is viewed as a bad thing. People are sometimes forced to conform just to belong. This, however, can result to a good thing, depending on the situation.

Individuality, on the other hand, has no limitations, for it is a way of expressing who you are. It distinguishes one person from the rest. Everyone is an individual but it depends on that person to show his/her individualty. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to stand-out from the crowd to show your individuality, It just means being yourself, and not following the status quo. It's having a distinct character. Individuality is having your own views, style, etc... Individuality is sometimes the reason why some people stand-out. having a distinctive way of showing who they are makes them known.

I personally feel that we need both. We cannot just conform eveytime or be ourselves and disregard the 'rules' all the time. It really depends on the situation on whether you would conform or just be yourself. On the other hand, I personally feel that even if you conform to something, you would still find a way to express yourself. Conforming doesn't necessarily mean to have the exact same thing, there is still room for expressing yourself. Confomity might give you limitations but it would still allow you to 'play'.

As a child growing up in a school where there were no uniforms, religion, and where we were free to express ourselves/speak out, I was shocked when I entered a school wherein I had to wear uniform and conform to everything. I was raging mad and complained to my parents everyday. Haha. But as time flew, I realized that there was really a need to conform for us not to blend in or belong, but for formality's sake. We sometimes need to follow and let our 'craziness' rest for a while. There is time for play. So, I really think that it depends on the situation. It's bad to be an extreme conformist, and it's also not healthy to be extremely 'out there'. :-))

- Rj Santos, a flip and a flop :-))

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