Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Before the ACLE, I went to Sara's for a drink and met a photographer who wants to try fashion photography. So I told him about out ACLE, and he did come too. I also invited a fashion addict friend to come over. :) They told me our ACLE was really well-organized and managed. Yey.

We had so much fun. Our speakers were from Project Runway 2. Mr. Santi Obcena was funny, with his “inay” jokes and all. He taught us deconstruction. Ms. Tracy Dizon taught us where to find the best bargains around the Metro. Both speakers gave us tips, from using fabric pens to how to pick the best clothes in thrift shops.

In our deconstruction activity, our group created a skirt out of a pink, lacy fabric. Then we attached it to a brown tank top, so it became a dress... The best part was the bolero, which was from a pair of shorts. :) We played around with our creativity, and it was an enjoyable experience where I learned a lot.

XOXO, Josie

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